Presentation Topics
Ioanna Chaney is an engaging seminar leader. She has given presentations and led group discussions on many topics. Some of her favorites are:
1. How To Design and Live a Successful Life on Your Terms - A two-session workshop designed to help participants identify what success means for them, and to come up with a vision, a strategy, and the accountability structure to help them get there.
2. Transitions are Opportunities for New Growth - An interactive presentation that focuses on the inevitability of transitions and the impact they have on our lives. There is no motivation to change when we are in our comfort zone. Transitions force us to review the status quo and reconsider our circumstances and choices.
3. Five Steps to Optimal Work / Life Balance - An interactive presentation designed to help participants assess the balance and time allocation in nine key areas of life, challenge beliefs, assumptions and boundaries, and empower them to set value-based goals.
4. What Is Coaching and How It Can Impact Your Life? - An interactive presentation designed to introduce the audience to the methodology and benefits of personal success coaching.
5. Similarities and Differences Between Coaching and Therapy - There is a fine line between coaching and therapy. The presentation focuses on the purpose, format, and benefits of each methodology.
6. Managing your Quirks in Business and Other Settings - A presentation designed to raise your awareness and provide tips for dealing with the self-defeating aspects of your personality.
(773) 244-0900 or email: